Bellville Presbyterian Church is a Congregation of the Uniting Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa


The Mission of Bellville Presbyterian Church is to bring each member to that place where he or she knows Jesus, The Lord, as fully as possible.


The philosophy of Bellville Presbyterian Church is that the Church, and our local congregation, functions best when it is:
Christ Centred – Making all His will the goal of all our activities
Spirit Filled – letting Him lead, guide, direct and interrupt us
Bible Based – Doing and not just giving assent to the Word of God


The strategy of Bellville Presbyterian Church is to:
• Witness to and proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord
• Teach and to Study the scriptures asking and believing the Holy Spirit will reveal truth to us
• Enjoy fellowship and share in all things with others who acknowledge Jesus as Lord
• Serve one another, the community and the world in practical ways thus expressing God’s love to them
• Worship individually and together corporately the one triune God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
• Train, equip and use our members according to their God given gifts
• Assist and establish new Churches

The Modus Operandi

The manner in which the above is accomplished will vary from time to time as God leads ; as the Elders respond and invite the congregation; and as the members of Bellville Presbyterian Church own and involve themselves in the mission.