Dear members
We want to communicate with you all about the restart of public services.
Based on the new regulations during this lockdown period the Session have decided to restart services on a Wednesday, 17 February 2021. This is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent and so is of course the lead up to the Passion of Jesus, his death and resurrection and traditionally had been a time of introspection and praying and fasting. A good time to begin to worship together physically again.
We will say more about this in time but suffice to say that we will be beginning services on Ash Wednesday morning at 9AM and including an evening service at 6 PM.
We will resume Sunday services from Sunday 21 February 2021, where we will have 2 services, one at 9:30 AM and one in the evening at 7 PM.
Unfortunately, we will only be allowed to have 50 people, maximum, per service and you will need to book online or phone the office to book a space.
This does not mean that we in any way are forcing anyone to return now. We know and fully understand that there are many who are vulnerable and some who feel it is too early to return to worship in church and please know that although we want to return to worshipping together as a body we do understand that this process will be a slow one. So please know that there is no pressure to return now.
The YouTube video of the services will, as usual, be available on Sunday at 7.30 AM.
Please remember that we will begin on a Wednesday, Ash Wednesday, the 17 February 2021.
Please continue to pray for us as a body and to be assured of our love and support no matter what you decide to do.
With much love,
John and Rod