Before His Ascension, Christ Jesus commanded his disciples to “…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” (Matthew 28:19). As part of the body of Christ on earth, Bellville Presbyterian Church therefore considers Mission and Evangelism a vital part of its ministry.
We at BPC are so thankful that by God’s Grace and through the faithfulness and generosity of our members, we are able to support the following missionaries with a monthly financial contribution and encourage them with our prayers and regular contact:
• Andre and Peggy Kritzinger (Operation Mobilisation)
• Mark Liprini (Mission Aviation Fellowship)
• M G (who works for an organization with a focus on countries with limited access to the Gospel)
Regular updates about our missionaries are communicated via the Church magazine, Bellpress (also see Publications tab on this website) and when possible, we invite them to come and share with us.
BPC has two Mission and Awareness Sundays per year, where speakers from various Mission organisations, e.g. FEBA radio, Open Doors, Messiah’s People etc. may be invited to share about their work, gain support (particularly prayer but also material support) and challenge people to join or contribute to the ongoing work in the mission field.
Please contact Katie Schoeman (0721275718) or Deirdre Hewett (0842303294) for further information.